23rd /24th August
Books etc. incoming 1st and 5th Years
Thursday 26th August
1st Years 8.55am-12.30pm (Induction)
Friday 27th August
2nd & 3rd Years in -8.55am-1.10pm
1st Years normal classes
Monday 30th August
5th & 6th Years return
1st, 2nd & 3rd Years normal classes
Tuesday 31st August
Transition Years return
All classes normal
Friday 3rd September
First Year Liturgy
Thurs 16th September
Opening Year Mass
Monday 27th September
School closed
Thurs 7th Oct
Open Evening for incoming 1st Years
Friday 22nd October
School closes for Mid-term break- 1.10pm
Monday 1st November
School re-opens after Mid-term- 8.55am
3rd & 6th Year exams commence/ open to change
Thursday 18th November
6th Year P/T Meeting 4.15pm-6.45pm
Monday 22nd November
1st/2nd/4th/5th Year Exams
Thursday 9th December
3rd Year PT Meeting 4.15pm-6.45pm
Monday 20th December
Christmas Liturgy
Wednesday 22nd December
Christmas holidays- school closes 1.10pm
Thursday 6th January
School re-opens after Christmas holidays at 8.55am
Friday 14th January
2nd Year PT meeting 1.30pm – 4pm
Thursday 20th January
4th/5th Year PT meeting 4.15pm–6.45pm
Tuesday 25th January
1st Year PT Meeting 4.15pm - 6.45pm
Monday 7th February
Mock Exams begin for 3rd and 6th Year students
Friday 18th February
School closes at 1.10pm for February mid-term break
Monday 28th February
School re-opens 8.55am
Thursday 17th March
School closed for St. Patrick’s Day
Friday 18th March
School closed
Friday 8th April
School closes at 1.10pm for Easter holidays
Monday 25th April
School re-opens after Easter break
Monday 2nd May
School closed for Bank Holiday
Tuesday 3rd May
School closed
Monday 30th May
Exams commence for 1st, 2nd, TY & 5th Years
Friday 3rd June
Finish of Exams/Summer Holidays
Wednesday 8th June
State Examinations commence